Sunday, January 13, 2008

Welcome to my blog!!!

Hi Friends and Family!

Welcome to my first ever "Haiti Blog!" I have created it as a way to share my time and experiences in Haiti with all of you that have donated to this effort. I will do my best to update the blog at least daily, but as many of you know, the internet connections in Haiti are often spotty at best.

I want to say THANK YOU again for supporting me and generously donating to Healing Hands for Haiti. I hope my updates give you some insight into the impact you are making through this organization and team. I am very excited about this trip and am absolutely confident that we will accomplish a lot in the short time we are there. We have a fantastic group of about 19 people that can't wait to start working.

Yesterday was our "final packing meeting" - we are taking an incredible amount (over 1500 pounds) of donated rehabilitation equipment, cloth diapers, pediatric wheelchairs, crutches, tricycles, toys, medications and vitamins, and other much-needed items for the people there. It was quite the challenge to keep the bags and bins at or under 50 pounds and the size less than 62 inches. We did a lot of packing, repacking, distributing and redistributing of items in an attempt to maximize both the allotted weight and space in our bags and bins. It was exhausting, but well worth the effort. Before we know it we will be unpacking it in Haiti and dividing it up to be taken to the various locations we will be working.

Every dollar you have contributed will make an impact in this country where unimaginable poverty, suffering, and desperation are the way of life. Thank you again for working together with me and Healing Hands for Haiti to make a difference. It means so much to me to have your support. I hope you enjoy reading along and checking out the pictures I will be posting.




Lynn Lavia said...

Hi Erin!!! I am so excited that you created this blog so that we can "track" your journey. It sounds like you and your team have already done so much....good for you! The fourth graders will be praying for you and your team each day that your are in Haiti!!! Take care!!!

Karen (Licht) Reding said...

Erin, We have been thinking about you knowing you were traveling yesterday. Hope you and your group had a safe trip! Thinking of you and praying for you...Karen