Thursday, January 24, 2008


This is Evans. Every kid here is wonderful and absolutely special. I truly love and care about them all. But this little guy has a very special place in my heart. I fell in love with him the first time I saw him. It was on my first trip to Haiti a year and a half ago. There were all these kids laying in beds and I was totally overwhelmed by how awful it was. I started to walk around and when I walked up to Evans' bed he immediately developed the biggest smile I've ever seen - similar to the one in this picture. I was afraid to touch him he was so tiny and frail. But when I did, he just smiled and smiled and smiled and I sat with him for a long time just holding him. He puts his arm around my neck, holding on with all his might. He is the sweetest little guy and I wish more than anything I could bring him home and take care of him like he deserves to be taken care of. He is one special, special kid.

1 comment:

Emily said...


Love ya,

Emily =)